Saturday, March 26, 2011


Guests at the event held at the Masters Gallery were welcomed with an a propos flower arrangement (red, white ok so it was yellow and green)

Special guest and winegrower Piero Lanza of Fattoria Poggerino made a first time visit to Canada

One of the team from Wine Boy which was a sponsor of the event

A tiramisu from Osteria de Medici one of the nights award recipients

A member of the Osteria de Medici team speaks with guests

An antipasti platter

Beautiful bites from Osteria de Medici

Osteria de Medici receiving their award from the Italian Chamber of Commerce

Stuffed zucchini from La Luna Rossa

Scrumptious meatballs on offer from La Luna Rossa

Delightful cucumber minis from La Luna Rossa

Bread, tapenade and olives completed the spread at La Luna Rossa

The team from La Luna Rossa accepts their award

The crowd at the event

Two members of the Italian Chamber of Commerce

A tuna dish lavished with olive oil, tomato, and olives from Capo

Pretty spoonfuls of shrimp from Capo

A cute mini burger from Capo

Massimo and Giuseppe of Capo

A comfort food star - lasagne made by Da Guido

Da Guido also served truffles

The team from Da Guido receiving their award
CSL enjoyed an evening of Italian food wine and winners at the Italian Chamber of Commerce's Italian Quality Seal Restaurants Award. Sponsored by Wine Boy and Masters Gallery the event brought together food aficianados, restauranteurs and guests.

The official list of winners:
Centini (who was unable to attend the event)
Da Guido
La Casa d'Italia
La Luna Rossa
Osteria de Medici

Congratulations to all the winners. Or, more appropriately felicitazioni!
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