Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Appleton Estate, the historical and innovative Jamaican Rum distiller known for its locally-based sustainable growing and distilling methods, recently launched its Appleton Estate Charity Challenge on March 14th. Hosted on the Appleton Estate Facebook page, the challengeinvites fans to vote – by clicking the “like” button – for one of the four worthy environmental charities chosen by Appleton Estate. Running until April 22nd (Earth Day 2011), the Appleton Estate Charity Challenge will see that one dollar is donated for each fan vote, with total proceeds donated directly to the charity with the largest number of votes. The four participating charities are: the David Suzuki Foundation, Jamaica Environment Trust’s School Education Programme, Save Cockpit Country, and the World Wildlife Fund.

Hurry as there are only two weeks left to vote, and raise funds for one of these admirable and deserving charities. For more information on the Appleton Estate Charity Challenge or to participate, Facebook users can visit the Appleton Estate Jamaica Rum Facebook page.

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