Netflix is the world's leading Internet subscription service for enjoying movies and TV shows. Streaming unlimited critically acclaimed content on demand, Netflix can be a great, useful gift for mothers and their families as it encourages today’s need to increase quality family time.
Launched in Canada in September 2010, Netflix subscribers can access critically-acclaimed movies and TV shows from a variety of internet-enabled devices, including: PC’s and Macs; Xbox 360 and Playstation 3; Internet-connected TV's and/or Blu-ray players; digital video recorders and Internet video players; Apple TV and Google TV; and iPad, iTouch and iPhone.
Easy to use and instantly accessible, Netflix has become a preferred provider of the home entertainment experience in today’s busy world.
GIVEAWAY ALERT: CSL is proud to offer a six-month Netflix subscription to one of our City Style and Living blog readers. There are only two ways to enter:
1) Like us on our Facebook Fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/citystyleandliving#!/pages/City-Style-and-Living-Magazine/176048069107571?sk=wall
2) Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/CityStyleMag; @CityStyleMag
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