A sign greets guests to the 2011 Fashion With Compassion Benefit in support of the Breast Cancer Supportive Care Foundation (BCSCF)

Place settings for guests

Tablescapes created by a local event planner were tastefully accented with flowers

Part of the luncheon meal served at the Benefit

Masters of Ceremony Vickie Chase and Chad Martin

Models and beneficiaries of the BCSCF's programs began the event by speaking movingly of their experiences

Models sport Fall fashions by Ducks and Ed Williams Mens Wear

Model's were smiling and playful as they walked down the runway

A family member speaks about how the BCSCF foundation has helped the families

Striking colours at the fashion show

A game of heads and tails raised funds for the foundation and had many laughing with fun-filled excitement

Models in a joyous mood as they strut their stuff

A final walk down the catwalk
With a live auction, raffle, door prizes, heads and tails contest, silent auction there were many ways to support the Breast Cancer Supportive Care Foundation at the 2011 Fashion with Compassion Benefit. As models (who had benefited from the BCSCF) posed in Fall fashions from Ducks and Ed Williams Mens Wear the crowd applauded and cheered. Mothers and daughters, friends, and co-workers came together to raise funds for the all important cause. It was an afternoon filled with much laughter.
The goal and purpose of the foundation was perhaps best summed up by the psychologist who works at the foundation and who sat at City Style and Living magazine's table. "I've worked with the BCSCF for several years and what you learn is that even at the bleakest moments when it is very sad, there is always HOPE."
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